The Groesbeck's

The Groesbeck's

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A New Life

Okay, it has been way too long since I have blogged. I have a lovely sister who has been bugging me about this, so here we go. First of all, I have a new little baby boy. Grayson Chad was born on December 4th, 2008. He was 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 22 inches--a lot bigger than I thought he would be. The delivery went wonderfully, and in fact, in retrospective I actually kind of enjoyed the whole process. So, he is 3 months old now. He is smiling, moving all over the place, and Garrett even got him to giggle the other day (I was in the shower and missed this--I was so bummed). I'm discovering the joys of motherhood. Yes, I am more tired than I have ever been. Yes, I don't get to do all that I used to do--my schedule is not so flexible anymore, but I love it. I love Grayson more every day. He brings me so much happiness. Here is Mr. Handsome:
Right before he was born.

Day he was born.
The most recent.

Second, I graduate in 3 months with my bachelors degree in nursing. I cannot wait! I will keep you posted on the dates!


Campbell Family said...

Hey! Oh my goodness...Grayson is so adorable! You had him on Michelle's bday too! I bet that was so exciting for both of you. I tell you what, you Bush girls pop out little cuties! Congrats on your nursing! That is so amazing, good for you! I've actually thought about wanting to go back to school for that down the road. Nice hearing from you:)

Elizabeth said...


Sue and I were just talking about how cute Grayson is on the phone. Seriously. So cute.

I am so proud of you with your nursing degree accomplishment almost here, and with everything else you are doing with your life.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

He is a handsome little devil!! Congrats on the degree!! I can relate!

Geo said...

Your life is getting more beautiful all the time. It's good to read you again! congrats on every sweet accomplishment.

Casee said...

Congratulations Christa! He is such a cutie and I am glad to hear that you are enjoying motherhood. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures!