The Groesbeck's

The Groesbeck's

Monday, March 16, 2009


Lately I have been thinking about graduation (maybe because its only 2 months away!). One part of me is so excited to graduate and move on to bigger things. I'm excited to be able to work and be paid for what I'm doing. The extra money will be nice. But...there is a big part of me that is really scared to graduate. School has kind of been a safe spot for me...something that I could always focus on. It seems a little silly--even to me--to be scared to graduate. But, graduation means that things will change. I'm also scared of losing so many precious/fun memories that I have had at Westminster. I have met so many great people and made dear friends. Here are some of the memories that will be missed:

Although I will miss seeing these people all of the time--like I said, I'm excited to do new things. One thing in particular that I'm excited about is developing my art skills. I have always loved to do art, but I just don't seem to have the time to do it. Here is one of my art pieces that I am particularly proud of:
Kind of a crappy picture of it--but it will do. We will see what future projects will bring!


Natalie said...

You're very good at the artsy things (letter headings to garrett were quite awesome!)Good luck!

Natalie said...

oh.. I forgot to say something else. I totally know what you mean about graduating! It's always been there (school) and now it's time for something different! I'm ready but I'm not ready. I'm in the same boat.

Casee said...

You are very talented Christa! Good luck in your future art endeavors.

I remember being scared as graduation neared too, school almost seemed like a security blanket. And I do miss it, but I am happy that, that phase of my life is over too. Good luck in all you do!

Elizabeth said...

I love that art piece that you did. I am always nervous about change and what that will mean, but I am always grateful for whatever ends up being around the bend, too. And it's always kind of sad to turn a page from specific friends and specific memories, but in a way you've already crossed a bit of that since you got married. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Christa, I feel quite nervous about graduation as well. One draw back to working on campus at BYU is that when you graduate you lose your job. Its a nice little pat on the back :) I too have felt quite secure being a student, and by now I have it down pretty good. I usually handle change really well, but this time I am pretty nervous. I think you will handle the change as wonderfully as you have transitioned into motherhood . . . and you are a GREAT mother! I love that artwork of yours and I for one hope you do more!