The Groesbeck's

The Groesbeck's

Friday, September 28, 2007

Stress and no sleep? Not a good combo.

This week, I'm sorry to say, has kind of been a disaster. Let me tell you, I am SO SO SO SO glad that it is Friday which means I can finally RELAX! On Monday, today seemed like a century away. Let me walk you through my week.
The day started out when I got up at 7 to get ready for my class that was at 8:30 ( I tell you I hate these morning classes). I went to class and took a quiz--this is where the bad week started. I had studied for hours for this stupid 15 point quiz and I bombed it. Yep. So, there was the first wrong step. After class, it was pouring and I wanted to get to the other side of campus because I was going to drop a class (my history class that has been pure hell). I didn't want to get SOAKED in the rain, so I decided I would get the car and drive closer. Second wrong move. I drove around for 30 minutes looking for a parking spot and finally gave up and went home wishing I had taken the rainy route. I then came home and showered and got ready for the day, and then went back to school, found a parking spot and dropped my class. The whole process made me an hour late for work. I worked until 5. Afterwards, I had to run across the street to the hospital where I'm doing my clinical rotation to start on my clinical preps. Let me tell you how NOT excited I was for this. They usually take 10-12 hours to complete and I had to start at 5:30--they were due the next morning at 7. Why did I not start sooner you ask? Our patients get posted the day before our clinicals at 1 pm, but I was at work until 5 so I didn't have an option. SO...I was at the hospital until 10 that night JUST GATHERING THE INFORMATION I NEEDED. This means I still had to come home and put everything TOGETHER. I finally finished everything at 3:30 in the morning. What time did I have to get up on Tuesday? 5:30 am.
Tuesday and Wednesday
So I started Tuesday with two hours of sleep. I'm sure you can imagine what a happy/chipper person I was to deal with--poor Garrett. I got to the hospital by 6:45 am and started my day there. It was actually VERY interesting. I learned and saw a lot that day. I love when I see nasty stuff that totally grabs my attention (and by nasty I mean bloody or what other people would call "gross"). I saw some of that and.... I gave my first shot! It totally freaked me out. It went over OKAY I guess. I pulled a dumb move though when I stuck the poor man and realized that I had pulled the needle out before administering the medicine. Poor guy had to let me stick him again. He was really good about it though. I gave two more shots on Wednesday and those ones were PERFECT!! Anyways, clinicals were fine--besides the fact that my eyes were popping out of my head. I got home that day and had to finish my prep form and start studying for a mid-term on Thursday. I studied until about 1:30 that morning and went to bed to get up again at 5:30 am on Wednesday for clinicals again--4 hours of sleep. Clinicals were slow on Wednesday (and that is the absolute worst!!!), but like I said I got to give a couple of shots. That was about the most exciting thing of the day. I was supposed to go into work after that, but I called in sick because I was STRESSING about this mid-term that I had to take the next day... Tell me if you can explain this: We have 3 mid-terms in that class??? I don't understand. 3 mid-terms and a final??? BUT, that's not the point. The point is I had to study for mid-term #uno. So I went ahead and called in sick to work and came home to study. I got home and by this point I was so tired all I wanted to do was cry, but I wasn't even prepared at all for this test, and I was extremely worried that I would fail it. Garrett came over and gave me a blessing and I was really grateful for it. It helped me to calm down and actually focus. I studied until about 12:30 and then went to bed.
By this point, I'm practically a zombie. I woke up at 6:00 am Thursday to get some extra studying in before the test--that gave me a whopping FIVE AND A HALF hours of sleep--the most I had gotten all week! I studied hard (although I admit I looked at a makeup site online for like 20 minutes) before I went to class. Before I went in to take my test I said a prayer asking that the questions would be simple in my mind--that I would not make them harder than they really were. I tell you--this works!!! Prayer works!!! I got in there to take my test with my pencil and my highlighter (to highlight all of the important info in the question) and I whizzed through that test. I left feeling pretty good--thinking that I got a B--and I was TOTALLY OKAY WITH THAT!!! A couple hours later I found out that I got a 90% and that made all this stress worthwhile. But, like I said, I contribute most of it to Heavenly Father for helping me. Thursday is my long day so it's not over yet. I had gerontology after that until 12, and then at 1 I had my theory class until 4. FINALLY, at four I went home and C-R-A-S-H-E-D!!!! Well, sort of. Garrett woke me up at 7 and we watched a movie and just relaxed, but then I really crashed.
Today has been so so nice! I have been able to finally relax and I'm planning on being TOTALLY LAZY TONIGHT!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You weren't kidding when you said that you were glad that it was the weekend! You poor girl! I hope the weekend helps and you get the relaxation that you need! School can be so stressful! Good luck christa!

Elizabeth said...


Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

(Think Farley Family Reunion.)

I so admire your hard work and dedication to your program. You are going to be a brilliant, lovely nurse one day and everyone will want YOU to be their nurse.

I have to also say that I loved your parenthetical comments throughout the post where you inserted your own opinion throughout. (I tell you I hate these morning classes.) :)


p.s. Congrats on the 90%! I would have been stoked!!

Anonymous said...

well honey, i am also glad that the week is over. WOW i really am, i don't like seeing you stressed out and not happy, it makes me sad to see you that way. i love you and im glad that the blessing helped too!!! thanks for letting me give it to you!! love you!

Casee said...

Wow, what a crazy week! I am SO impressed that you pushed through all of that... I don't think I could have done it. And way to go on saying your prayers and asking for a blessing, they really do work... if you ask for them! Good job Christa, you are awesome!